My White Lotus Tantra Massages are very spiritual, very loving, very peaceful, very healing, very enlightening and very erotic. It allows your spirit, mind & body to be in perfect harmony as one, as you allow your sexual energy to rise through your crown chakra.
My sessions are also very spiritual and allows you to draw closer to your spiritual identity and your relationship with God. Releasing emotionally blocked energy and replacing it with loving, positive energy.
The Kundalini Energy that sits at the base of your spine that’s also nested in your root chakra, is strongly connected with your sacred sexual energy. This is also your light energy, and your life force energy. When this beautiful energy is able to rise through your main chakras going through your crown chakra, it allows you to become more enlightened and more spiritually aware of your spiritual identity. It’s very intense and it takes you to a whole new level of understanding and awareness.
The White Lotus Tantra Massage Session is 3-4 hours of pure bliss. There is a Spiritual Energy Vortex Meditation Ceremony. Followed by a Bathing Ceremony, Chakra Balancing, followed by a very intense Spiritual Vortex Worship and a Full Body White Lotus Tantra Massage. I only offer this to those who are ready and willing to go to the next level of their spiritual, mental, and physical growth. My gift, my love, my passion is to reactivate the true Spiritual Goddess within you. To allow your Spirit, Mind & Body to achieve oneness with who you are as a beautiful sacred goddess. Live your life as a goddess and allow that energy to bring forth energy that will honor, respect and cherish you as the true spiritual goddess that you are. Being in harmony with God and the universe, so you don’t have to be in control. Allow your light to shine and let your light show you the way through a beautiful Tantra Harmony Massage Session.
My main goal is to introduce White Lotus Tantra and the blissful benefits of igniting that Goddess Energy within you. Whether you receive a session from me or not.
I always meet before the first session for a Free consultation. In person or via Skype, FaceTime or FB video call, to establish a level of honor, respect, and trust. It allows us to connect on a more spiritual level prior to the session. Discuss your intentions for the session and what you would like to gain from a White Lotus Tantra Session. Plus it allows me to determine if you are ready for such a session. Not everyone is ready for this type of enlightenment. My sessions are very spiritual, very moving, very enlightening, and very arousing. I’m also mobile. I come to you. I’ve found it more beneficial when I’m able to do a session in a client’s home or neutral environment like a hotel.
I meet a lot of women who are looking for love, only to find the same type of guy in a different suit. But what they don’t realize is the reason they’re attracting the same type of guy is because of the unwanted emotions and blocked energy nesting inside their chakra’s. I’m offering healing to remove that emotionally blocked energy so women can attract the right energy women truly desire. And of course some women don’t need healing and are ready to take their Goddess energy to higher levels. Trust, honor and respect is very important before engaging in a tantra session. If needed, I also have Goddess clients who are more than willing to speak with you as references. You may also read some of the Goddess Testimonials from some of my Goddess Clients.